When you provide information through our website , we respect your privacy in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This privacy policy explains how we will process your data or any other private information you provide to us. We do NOT share your data with third parties, with the exception of any partner companies that are part of your request for information and/or quotation.

When you access our website, your personal information may be provided. Your knowledge and acceptance of these conditions is required. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you do not agree with anything in this privacy policy, do not use the website.

By providing us with your data, you confirm that you are over 16 years of age.

Ao Sul is the Data Controller and is responsible for your personal data (referred to as "we", "us" or "our" in this privacy policy).


Personal data, or personal information, means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

We collect personal data about you when you make a request for information, use our online services, fill in a form or communicate with us (by email, telephone, post or in person) or interact with us in any other way, including, but not limited to, interactions on social networks, participation in events, signing up for special communications and/or filling in surveys.

Throughout the consultation process, we may collect personal information, such as your preferences or any special requirements, in order to provide you with a personalized and superior service. This information is stored in our systems.

We may collect, use, store and transfer different types of personal data about you, which may include your name, email address, date of birth, telephone numbers, billing address, delivery address, bank account details, preferences relating to your event and certain information when you visit the Website, including IP address, preferences, the type of browser you use, your login details, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and any other technology on the devices you use to access the Website, your interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses, your preferences in receiving marketing from us and your communication preferences.


We will only use your personal data where permitted by law and for the purposes set out in this Policy. These are:

  • When you give your consent - for example, by signing up to receive communications from us and our partners and collaborators

  • When necessary for the performance of a contract we have entered into or are entering into with you

  • When necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation

If we have to collect personal data by law or under the terms of a contract we have entered into with you and you do not provide that data when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have entered into or are trying to enter into with you (for example, to plan and execute your event or provide you with goods or services). We will notify you if this is the case at the time. We may also use your personal data to comply with our legal obligations, to deal with any complaints and for the enforcement of our terms and conditions.

For our legitimate interests or those of a third party, provided that your interests and fundamental rights and freedoms do not override those interests. We may use your personal data for our legitimate business interests, which include security purposes, improvements to our website, improvements to our solutions and services and for general marketing purposes. However, we will not do so if our interests are overridden by your interests, rights and freedoms.


Below is a description of the ways in which we may use your personal data:

  • To process your request for information or confirmation;

  • To manage payments, fees and charges and to collect and recover any amounts due to us;

  • To manage our relationship with you, which will include notifying you of changes to our terms or privacy policy and/or asking you to leave a review or respond to a survey;

  • To administer and protect our business and our Website (including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, system maintenance, support, reporting and data hosting);

  • To use data analysis to improve our website, products/services, marketing, customer relations and experiences.


Under data protection laws, you have rights in relation to your personal data, which include the right to request access, correction, erasure, restriction, transfer, to object to processing, to data portability and (where the legal basis for processing is consent) to withdraw consent. If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please send us an email to

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and guarantee your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to anyone who does not have the right to receive


Ao Sul has not reviewed all the websites or services linked to or from the Website. Ao Sul provides these links as a convenience and linking to any third-party websites or services is at the user’s own risk. A link does not imply endorsement or affiliation with the linked website by Ao Sul.


Some cookies are essential for the operation of our site. They allow us, for example, to secure the form to prevent spam when submitting.


Third parties (such as advertising networks) may, outside our control, use cookies to send you targeted advertising. These are usually performance cookies or advertising or tracking cookies. We have no control over these third-party cookies. To know more, please consult the privacy and/or cookie policy of the relevant third party.